Freitag, 28. März 2014

3 weeks to go...

...until the next sgc reunion. baleal is calling! stay tuned for pictures & happy weekend!

Montag, 17. März 2014 now online!

i've to admit that i am not very talented in building a webpage. therefore i redirected the existing link to this blog. this was already a challenge to me to find out how to rewrite a .htaccess file...

anyway, is now finally available on the www.


Montag, 3. März 2014

back to shape

finally! i finished my exams and enjoyed a part of the first weekend without studying in my shaping room. if everything goes well i'll take the new board to portugal. there's another sgc trip planned at the end of april. stoked!

there are still a few second hand boards available. check it out!

although paul fisher's dick board is a bit too much, he's still a funny guy! i know a week in april when this chicken boy thing might be funny too... :-)